I get accused of being a thrill seeker or having a death wish because I like rock climbing. Neither of those things are true. Climbing is restful for the mind. All dangerous sports are. If you are half way up a climb, dangling over an edge, struggling to get your rope clicked so you'll be safe if you fall, you don't have time to worry about anything else. You're definitely not wondering if you remembered to take the garbage out that morning. Or if that person at work really meant that horrible thing they said. Or if you'll have your project completed on time. Climbing takes you out of yourself. It forces you into the moment. It doesn't allow you to dwell on the negative because you haven't time to dwell on anything. You need to be there. After several days of not being able to climb I finally got a chance and afterward I could feel the lift. Not the high that joggers always talk about but the lift. The lift that comes from having a break from all your worries for a couple of hours.